February 25, 2019

Some images today from two portrait shoots done for my lovely friend Céline, who is an author. Céline was looking to put together some images that she could use on social media which correspond with her literary world. We chose two different places and two different times of day and then came up with some ideas for props and the atmosphere that we wanted to created.

The first shoot involved a very early & chilly start with a walk through the woods as the sun was rising. With Céline’s books, ribbon, bubbles and colourful smoke screens, we had lots to choose from to create some interesting images.

The second shoot took place in Belval at dusk. We had just the books and a hat as props this time, but lots of different backgrounds to play with as well as the assistance of a little bit of artificial lighting!

A new & interesting experience for me as it made me think differently from the normal portrait work that I do.

Thank you for asking me to do this Céline & also a big thank you to Laura for her assistance & imaginative ideas during the first shoot!













love, Claire


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